The LRRH Reconditioning Technique

The LRRH Reconditioning Technique serves to outline, discover and reprocess the unconscious roots of an individual or 'program' that defines how the individual perceives and experiences the outer reality. The unique technique helps to access, identify and reprocess the unconscious addictive, abusive and sabotage programs or belief systems and repetitive emotional patterns which lead to betrayal, disappointment and the constant challenges and conflicts which surface in daily life. These belief systems and patterns lead to self-destruct tendencies where anger becomes disruptive and volatile. By desensitizing and re-processing these unconscious roots, a reality of our birthright may re-emerge which mirrors the authentic self. We will see the parts of ourselves we have always wanted to project become reality.

"Debbie has changed my life with this technique, it is deep and gives you tools to recreate yout life"

Graphic Designer

About Debbie

Debbie Howes

Clinical Psychologist

Debbie Howes is a Clinical Psychologist in private practice. She qualified with the Masters degree in 1986 from Potchefstroom University. She completed her thesis on a movement and body therapy relative to self-concept, depression and anxiety. Debbie furthered her studies in Eriksonian, Ego- State hypnotherapy, Medical hypnoanalysis as well as EMDR and EMI. Debbie is the author of : "Little Red Hiding Hood revised: A hypnotherapist Analysis, Interpretation and Application", and 'Little Red Riding Hood Reconditioning Technique, Practical Therapeutic Handbook", as well as a deck of cards. The technique incorporates a protective story telling as well as projective drawing technique. She has presented talks and seminars at both international and national congresses and appears as a guest on SABC2 House call: Dr Victor, and ANN7 live news broadcast. She has been working with the technique for 20 years and currently teaches CPD workshops, as well as running a practice in the south of Johannesburg. Debbie has worked in conjunction with the trauma clinic in Cape Town and the Headache Clinic. Debbie was also a professional dancer and has a keen interest in complementary healing modalities. ( see E-volition)


Book an appointment with Debbie

221 Columbine Road, Mondeor, 2091

Store Hours

Monday — Friday

08:00 - 13:00


08:00 - 13:00

